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No One Is More Responsible Than You ~ published in Lakeside Sun eMagazine 2017

No One Is More Responsible Than You ~ published in Lakeside Sun eMagazine 2017

We that worked hard for our well earned retirement have much to be proud of.  We were able to get to this good place through Conscious Effort and Focused Attention, as with all successful plans.  We worked at it until we were able to enjoy this lovely life here in the tropical highlands of Central Mexico.  I couldn’t be more pleased with the fruits of my labor and thoroughly relish this lifestyle.  I love it when a plan comes together!

Besides the wonderful climate, fresh foods, and sweet Mexican people, affordable health care just seems like a bonus.  Being able to take good care of ourselves on an easy to pay for, a la carte basis is perfect for many of us that want to take advantage of Western Medicine evaluations that blood and other tests provide, along with the opinions of Allopathic Doctors, aka MDs.  

The reason I like it so much is that as a senior I now have time to take my test results, and doctor’s diagnosis, and do research before I take any action.  It is important to understand that if you agree to do just what the doctor says, you are taking health action whether you think of it that way or not.  Many of us take the doctor’s word for everything, and think that it’s the only way to go.  However, this is not always the best thing for the good feeling life that we want.  

For example, I had two Medical Doctors tell me that I was at the low edge of the healthy T4 thyroid hormone level.  One said that I should probably take a hormone  replacement prescription and the other wrote me a prescription and sent me to the pharmacy in the hospital where I saw her.  Which I did, and I even took three pills before remembering a YouTube video lecture by Dr. Tenpenny who has devoted many years of her career researching the human thyroid and iodine.  

After reviewing it I ordered some Nascent Iodine, a pure and high potency form of iodine known for its effectiveness.  A few months later I had more blood tests and my T4 level was perfect.  It’s not hard to believe that our hormones, and other essential body levels, can be regulated with natural supplements which heal the problem that MDs want to treat with prescriptions which have unwanted side effects.  

When I learned that my joint pain could be alleviated by treating my dry bones with organic calcium I started taking some immediately.  Who knew that my joints were hurting me because the bones in my body dried out due to aging.  Or that they stole moisture from the soft tissues surrounding my joints so the bones would eventually grind against each other pinching the nerves in between and causing me pain.  Not only did my joints stop hurting me by at least 80%, but my bones got stronger so if I trip and fall I won’t break a hip.

I learned from the many blood and other health tests I took, that were recommended by my MDs, that I was “normal,” or very near so, and that there was no evident reason for my all over body pain.  When this happens doctors throw your diagnosis in the Autoimmune Disease basket along with over a hundred other conditions they say there is no cure for.  Then they tend to write you a prescription to manage your discomfort, which many times you have to take forever if you find no other remedy.

The human body is designed to self heal, with some help from us, the research literature also taught me that body pain can be caused by a buildup of toxins in the body.  It turns out that some of us are good purgers, eliminators of body toxins, and some of us are not.  I learned that by taking the enzyme Serrapeptase that toxins spread throughout my body, and even cholesterol in my arteries, could be naturally flushed out, or purged.  I found it highly effective for eliminating the extreme pain I had in my muscles from debilitating Fibromyalgia.  

Along with Corrective Chiropractic, that straightened my spine to revitalize my nervous system so that vital messages from my brain could reach every cell in my body.  Serrapeptase ended the extreme Autoimmune Disease pain that was making my life miserable.  This is incredible since Autoimmune Diseases are considered by Western Medicine to be incurable.  The research literature also said that Autoimmune Diseases originate in the digestive system which is at the mercy of our fight or flight response.  If you have Chronic Stress, from any source, your Sympathetic Nervous System steals blood flow from your digestive tract and your Parasympathetic Nervous System can’t do its rest, digest, and repair job.  

Of all of the body functions this may be the most important to your health.  If you can’t uptake nutrition, if you can’t rest, if your body can’t repair itself because you are in hyper vigilant mode, whether you recognize it or not, it can make your health decline and set you up for suffering and premature death.  We are cause and effect creatures—even if you eat nourishing foods, and take vitamins, digestive enzymes, and probiotics you can still have enough angst in your life not to be getting the nutritional benefits you need from them.  

The research literature indicates that Chronic Stress from emotional and mental upsets we endure is the source of many common diseases.  Had I not found my emotional and mental distresses through Self Study and addressed them through Conscious Effort and Focused Attention, I would probably still have terrible pain.  That’s how strong our minds are, that’s the power of mind over matter.  It’s my belief that this knowledge is some of the most important we can learn.

No one is more responsible for your health than you.  By making this your motto you can heal yourself and live the life you came here to enjoy.

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